War in Europe, week twenty-three

The heat has lessened, but the crises remain:

  • The Tsar is trying to expand his empire and murdering everyone standing in his way; he’s showing his apparent disdain for western democracy and our open and tolerant way of life.
  • Prices are rising, especially for energy, and might soon lead to social unrest.
  • The climate is collapsing since we’re not stopping the use of fossil fuels fast enough.
  • Pandemics are on the rise, and we’re not acting fast enough for fear of upsetting a vocal minority of fear mongers.

Sometimes I miss the early 2000s when I still believed flying, driving a car, or eating meat and animal products were okay. And sometimes, I feel powerless as an individual looking at the magnitude of change that will be necessary to survive as a species.

So, what can we do? Live our life as it is necessary to overcome the crises and safeguard our planet for future generations!


(South Bridge, Cologne, 7/18/22)

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YouTube, Cloud Native and Buddhism