War in Europe, weeks 67 and 68

The brave people of Ukraine are slowly advancing against the Tsar’s invaders.

I sincerely hope that Ukraine will be able to defeat Russia and free its people! I’m pretty happy that the EU is in for the long run and will continue to support Ukraine even if the US should succumb to fascism in the next election.

The so-called “Liberals” in our government keep protecting the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our future. Like the party-that-should-not-be-named, they are playing with the people’s fear of change and promising them a technology wonderland that will magically solve the climate emergency without change or effort. What on earth did we think when we elected them?

Stopping fossil fuels will not be possible while using cars as our primary means of production – a good alternative is bicycles!

(FFF cargo bike for the Sternfahrt, Cologne, 6/16/23)

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