Reached 100, now towards 200

For a couple of weeks now, I’ve managed to maintain a weight below 100 kg – the first big milestone

Next milestone is a weight below 200 lbs., after which I will probably reward myself with a new game

So far, a low carb, high fat diet (LCHF, Keto) has been very good to me, and my GP is quite happy with my blood stats. I also almost by accident slipped into 16:8 interval fasting, simply because I wasn’t hungry and never was a big breakfast eater anyway

My long term goal for the next two years is to reach a normal BMI value



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YouTube, Cloud Native and Buddhism

2 thoughts on “Reached 100, now towards 200”

  1. Fantastic Chris! I started KETO as well 9 weeks ago, and it has been very good. Keep up the good work!

  2. Congrats, Chris! Das klingt wirklich gut und ich drück dir alle Daumen, dass du dein Ziel flott erreichst. Hier ist übrigens ab Mittwoch wieder Filmfest und bevor du dies wegschmunzelst: Das Oldenburger Filmfest (11. – 15.09.2019) wird regelmäßig unter die 25 coolsten weltweit gewählt. Herzlich willkommen also, falls du dir Zeit dafür nehmen kannst.
    Ruf dich auf jeden Fall bald an…

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