
During the winter developer’s conference at Senacor Technologies AG in Nuremberg, they presented a nice little tool to measure and offset carbon dioxide emissions during business travel.

The tool is called Vagabundo and is realized using a serverless framework; it collects data from all business travels, calculates CO2 emissions and offsets them through Atmosfair – great approach at using technology to protect our climate!

It’s currently an in-house project, but Senacor seemed amiable to open-source it.

Much more than the offsetting part, I like the reporting – how much CO2 do I emit during travel and how could I optimize it?

Taking this a step further, I could see creating internal (team) competitions – who’s the best at having video conferences instead of in-person meetings? Who’s able to reduce air travel the most?

I think, there’re endless possibilities – anybody as interested as I am?


Wine quality

As part of a school machine learning project I stumbled upon the excellent tutorial by Elite Data Science on Scikit and wine quality.

This tutorial uses a data set on wine quality for training and testing provided by the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

As we’re nearing the end of life on Python 2.x, I’ve updated the tutorial script to work with Python 3.5.3 (on Debian 9).

Great starting point to work with new data – I can highly recommend the tutorial!
